Friday, May 14, 2010

Make Up -when to toss!!

Foundation-6-12 months

Blush(powder)-2 years


Eye Shadow (powder)-2 years

Eye Shadow (creme)- 12 months

Eye Liner (pencil)-2 years

Eye Liner (liquid)- 3 months

Mascara- 3 months

Lip Liner-2 years

Lip Stick -2 years

Nail Polish-1-2 years

Perfume-2-3 years

Note, I have had nail polish stay good for 18 years, I just tossed it the other day. Obviously I did not wear it that much. Perfume lasts much longer thatn this if taken care of. Do not store in the bathroom. I have a bottle from 1982, it is an oil perfume and smells fantastic!


I adore the radios of days past. They are lovely and one day hope to collect a beauty. The music from the day is Divine. Big Band, Swing, the Blues, the Classics and am quite fond of French tunes as well. Music always puts me in the clean, design...move my feet. Nostalgic.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Cabinet

There is never enough room to store all of your needs. I have a cabinet very similar to this I bought at my local antique shop. My cabinet is filled with perfumes, jewelry and treasures from friends, like cards and a small paper parasol, among other goodies. Every time I open it it is like a treasure chest.
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This flapper is such a doll! Complete with her peekaboo cloche hat. I adore the old timers in the 20's...wonder how much MPG it gets???
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The Dames

Ready to be seen in public~ These dames in the day were perfectly attired with nylon stockings, heels and scarves. And do not dare leave the home in red lipstick! To me this photo represents a good time and liberation from the long dresses previously worn.
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My Grandmother

Jane and the Boys!
My Grandmother grew up in Germany. My Great grandfather was Head of the engineer team for a car company and responsible for the designs of the Opal and Studtz Bearcat. That is my grandmother a "bear Cat" of vintage...definately the cats meow!!!

Stealing a kiss

Stealing a kiss!!!
Sounds so dreamy... All of the deco couples always seem so in love. The gents and dames dressed so proper. I am sure they have love on there mind and not the fact that almost a hundred years later I was wishing I was her! So he can steal a kiss from my cheek...

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